Thursday, January 17, 2008

Megan Broadbent Sperry's email

Sorry I forgot to include this in the posting: Megan Broadbent Sperry's email

Note from Megan Broadbent Sperry

Hi Stephanie,
I want to offer my sympathies on the passing of your grandmother. I was one of the many missionaries from the Quince Orchard ward that she wrote to. Every month, without fail, she sent me the ward Relief Society newsletter and a cheerful note. I wrote back, and our correspondence lasted the duration of my mission. Any mail is greatly appreciated when you're on a mission, and I loved having the consistency of knowing that I would always get a letter from Inez. I always enjoyed her sweet messages. When I got home, I met her in person and got to talk to her a few times before I left the ward to go back to school. She was a wonderful lady, and I just thought you might want to know how she touched my life.
Megan (Broadbent) Sperry

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thoughts from Angelica Airess

I, Angelica Airess would like to take this time to express my love to Inez Woltz, a wonderful woman and friend. She always looked out for me for she was a member of the church from birth and I was a convert. She would correct me in a loving fashion when she saw that I was not acting in the right manner as a LDS. I was young in the church and did not know that much about being a true LDS. I wish that I had listened to her sooner for I got into trouble because I had problems with the leadership of the church. This also caused me to have a bad experience with my Heavenly Father, which I regret very much.

Inez would send me birthday cards and take me out to breakfast for my birthday.

Inez would save a seat for me by her for a number of years until I got sick and missed out on that blessing.

I miss Inez very much and was hoping that one day we would be sitting together at church again.

Inez talked a lot about her family. She loved them all very much and was very pleased with them.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Michele Kines Bohm Poem read at the Funeral

My Grandmother Woltz

By Michele Kines Bohm

Showing Me

How to See

The Silver Lining

Go on with No Whining

Darkest Before Dawn

Beautiful Flowers on Her Lawn

Vibrant Colors on the Petals

Playing Scrabble with Precious Metal

Roast Beef

False Teeth

Funny Cards in the Mail

Watching Soaps without Fail

Chocolate Only with Cherries

Only 12 Days and She Marries

Cookies in College

A Wealth of Knowledge

Baking Treats and Yummy Sweets

Always Sharing

And Forever Caring

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Photos from Deon Farnes

Inez Woltz at MD reception for Derek & Tiffany Childs Farnes. JohnGrimsley is in second photo. Third photo is of Inez and Freya Childs

Email and photos from Deon Farnes

Stephanie......these were fun to come across when I started thinkingabout where I might have pictures of Inez with our family. If I comeacross anything else, I'll let you know.I might mention that all five of our children served full-timemissions and Inez sent all of them a wonderful package everyChristmas. When we went caroling to her the Sunday before she passedaway, appreciation was expressed again for the kindness she had shownto all of them.

Stephanie,This is the most recent picture I have of our family.....from our son's wedding reception June 2, 2007 at the Senca Stake Center inGermantown. Your grandmother was there and I'm sending some othercandid shots including her and will identify who is in them.Deon

Inez Woltz talking with the Farnes boys. Ryan in blue tie, Richardwith back to camera. Sherilyn Farnes in blue dress in background.Donnie Grimsley to right talking with President Wendell Zollinger &President Gregory Harman [Seneca MD Stake President].

Inez at table with John & Donnie Grimsley, Patty & Sam Arrieta atDerek & Tiffany's MD reception. [June 2, 2007]

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bugaboo Creek photo from Deon Farnes

Last year in September your grandmother took me to lunch for my
birthday at Bugaboo Creek Steak House. There was a waiter she had
befriended during her many visits there and this is a picture we took
so she'd have a picture with him.
Thought you'd enjoy having yet another reminder of how many friends
your grandmother had. We'll all miss her.
Deon Farnes

Thoughts from Lauri Wilhelm

We are so sorry that your Grandmother has passed away. 6 years ago I lost my Grandmother the same way you did. It is sad to have them gone but a relief to see them no longer suffering. I ache for my Grandmother but I find peace through the Holy Ghost and the Faith that the Gospel brings.....I will see her and Grandpa again. Our Grandparents are progressing and preparing the way for you and I.
Your friend,

Condolences from Doug and Sharon Stephenson

Dear Stephanie, We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandmother. We have known her for many years and she was always such a beautiful, sweet lady. Love, Sharon

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Email from Linda Mayer/and Dale Woltz

I had planned on emailing you before the funeral, but failed! I wanted to let the family know that Dale and I were thinking about her and the rest of you guys. We both wanted to come back for the funeral, but as you probably know from your mom, Dale is still recuperating from major surgery. They didn’t sew him up because of the peritonitis, so he is limited as to what he can do and where he can go. Please give my love to your mom and aunts! I know how tough this is – I lost my mom in 1980 and it seems like yesterday. I loved Inez – she accepted me so quickly when I lived back there with Ralph and she continued to be such a loving a gracious woman after we divorced. She was amazing!!
I do have some pictures – it will take some time because with Dale moving here in September, we are a little disorganized still.
I can’t wait to see the blog you are creating –
Linda Mayer
937-738-7075 (home)
980 white Oak Ct
Marysville, Ohio 43040

Monday, January 7, 2008


Dedication of the grave photos

Fort Lincoln Cemetary, Brentwood, MD

Margaret Ezell's posting to Seneca Stake Members on Inez

Passing of Inez Woltz nee Monson
Long Time Washington Area Resident
(Quince Orchard Ward Member)

This past Sunday, December 30th, Sister Inez Monson Woltz passed away as a result of complications from Pneumonia. She had been battling several physical problems since last August including an infection she received after surgery. Inez was a strong member of the church all of her life.

Inez (85 at her death) grew up in the Washington area. I have heard Inez talk about the early days of the church in Washington, DC, before there was a ward, when there was only a branch for the entire area. Her father was the first Branch President in the Washington area. During her lifetime, she was a member of the Capitol, College Park, Montgomery Village, Seneca and Quince Orchard Wards.

She remembered General Authorities who visited or lived in the area, knew many well, and told stories about the early days of the church. At one point, Inez and I had a long conversation about the original chapel in the DC area. We took out the book in our Seneca Stake Clerk’s office about the history of that original chapel. Inez had memories of all those events talked about in the book.

Inez and her husband were temple ordinance workers. Her husband died 26 years ago. For the past several years she has been the Quince Orchard Ward Bishop’s Secretary, sending out letters and cards to all the missionaries serving from the ward and cards to those who were ill or having a birthday.

Inez was always at least 30 minutes early for church. For the past 10 years my mother (age 91) and I have had the great pleasure of sitting in the row in front of Inez in the Quince Orchard Ward. We received a hug from Inez each Sunday. As one who habitually arrives at church just in the nick of time, Inez was my “saver”! She saved seats on the pew just in front of her for my mother and I.

Inez was the mother of five (5) children. Her two sons preceded her in death. She is the beloved mother of Beverly Dianne Kines of Monrovia, MD; Janet Lee Johnson of Abbottstown, PA; and Gloria Jean Poulsen of Damacus, MD.

For any who may want to participate in services for her, the particulars are listed below. Please pass the word on to members of your ward and who might have known Inez.

Viewing - Friday, January 4th from 6 to 8 p.m.. Molesworth-Williams Funeral Home, 26401 Ridge Rd, Damascus, MD 301-253-2138

Funeral - Saturday, January 5th at 10:00 a.m.. The funeral will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seneca Stake Center Building located at 18900 Kingsview Road, Germantown, MD. A brief viewing will be held from 9:30 a.m. to just before the funeral.

Internment - Fort Lincoln Cemetery after the funeral services.

We will miss having Inez in our stake and ward. We will miss her friendly greetings to all of us as we would enter the chapel on Sundays.

Margaret Ezell, Seneca Stake Secretary with input from Bishop Dan Anderton, Peggy Kemp, and her Grand-daughter, Stephanie Ann Quinn ( ).

Eric Johnson's Talk at the funeral-Remembrances of Grandmother


I am very thankful for the opportunity to stand and speak about Inez Woltz. I too ask for my Heavenly Father's assistance in doing justice to her memory and life as I speak. First, I want you all to know that I wear this uniform today for her. Grandmom would ask me whenever I would come to visit, regardless of how late in the day or even if it were on a weekend, to wear this very comfortable uniform. "You'll be wearing your uniform, right?" she'd ask. And of course I'd oblige. I assure you I am quite comfortable wearing it for her today!

There are so many things one could say about Inez Woltz. As I pondered what to share, I settled on a theme, "I'm not biased."

As a proud, strong matriarch, she doted on each and every one of us -- knowing just what to say to make us all feel special and loved. "I have the best-looking, most talented and intelligent grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the world. And I'm not biased," she'd say. And with her quick wit and a sly smile she'd add, "And they all take after me!"

She was quite the celebrity too. If you ever had the chance to stay with her, you could observe countless occassions where her popularity was quite obvious. They know her by name in grocery stores, restaurants, the post office and a million other places. Accompanying her to any of these locations would reinforce her celebrity status--and her exceptional family pride. You see, not only did everyone know Inez, but through her they knew her entire family. "You're the one in the Air Force right? Stationed at Scott Air Force Base?" they'd ask me. Grandmom made sure everyone knew a little bit about each one of us.

Her celebrity status and limitless drive eclipsed her age. When faced with a choice between post- highh school graduation senior week at Ocean City, Maryland or other options, my choice was easy. I elected to stay with my grandmother. My wife Jamie, then my high school sweetheart, could not imagine choosing to stay with one's grandmother over a trip to the beach. But Jamie has since learned that Inez Woltz was no ordinary woman--and far from elderly. We had a blast that week and it was hard from ME to keep up with HER!

Years later when I'd get stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, she'd call and invite me to go work out with her. Such invitations required that I rise at 3:30 am to meet her at 5:00 am, but it was worth it. I joined her on a few occasions and it was a humbling experience. You can imagine her celebrity status at the gym and how she inspired the other, much younger patrons. I'd watch her in awe from from my treadmill as she passed from machine to machine, completing her regular workout regiment. "Don't you use the other equipment?" she'd ask. "Today's a cardio day for me, grandmom." You see, my ego was far too fragile to admit that she knew how to use equipment that I did not. When I did step off the treadmill, I made sure to let everyone know, "That's MY grandmother!" "You must be so poud," they'd say. "I am, and I'm not biased."

Recently I had yet another humbling experience. I went to purchase a new vehicle and stopped by an auto mall. I fell in love with a particular vehicle that looked like a race car. It was amazing! I had all but decided to buy it when I glanced inside and noticed the manual transmission. My heart sank -- it might has well have been a space shuttle for me to drive. But then, a painful thought crept into my mind. "Grandmom can teach you how to drive a stick!"

In spite of her Herculean strength, she did have a few quirks. I told her long ago that when and if she ever passed I'd have to share a few. There's the infamous sink. If you've been to her home you know of it. She bought a new bathroom sink at some point and took great pains in showing it off. It had a marble-like finish--and it sparked....mainly because it was never used. "Honey, go ahead and use the other sink to wash your hands. I'm trying to keep this one looking nice," she'd say. I believe it was one of my uncles that said, "I'm glad she didn't buy a new commode!"

And as has been mentioned, it was understood never to call her after 7:00 pm. She had a night-time regiment that was to be preserved. I discovered on one such occasion that even as one of her beloved grandchildren, I was not immune to the standard. I too received the lecture on when not to call. Our grandmother's quirks were like pepper...they simply seasoned an already amazing dish!

There are countless positive memories, a few of which I will close with:
* The gift exchanges and stuffed animal drawings at her home on Christmas Eve,
* It was always a pleasure to see her enjoy a Redskins game (she was an avid fan), or episodes of Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune,
* She was always willing to whip you up something to eat at a moment's notice,
* And she never, ever forgot a birthday. None of us will ever forget Grandmom's priceless, acapella "Happy Birthday" song year after year by phone. Our birthdays will never be the same.

Inez Woltz was a spiritual warrior and provided her posterity with the best example for how to live a Christ-like life. She is indeed here with us today--and not just in spirit. She lives on in what meant the world to her--her family. The presence of each of us here today is a testament to who she was--and who she will forever be in our hearts.

We have the best grandmother in the world. And we're not biased.

All the very best to each of you,
Eric Johnson

St Louis, MO 63131

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Funeral Picutres #4

Jadon Quinn, age 13, Billy Quinn age 10, ___________

"The Twins"

Funeral Home Photos #3

Jadon Quinn, Billy Quinn, Beverly Kines, and Dallin Quinn
the cousins, _____, _____, Ammon Quinn and Christina Quinn

Grandpa and granddaughter

Cousins: _____, _______, and Ammon Quinn age 6

Michael Quinn and Ammon Quinn age 6
Michael and Stephanie Quinn and Ammon Quinn age 6
Stephanie, Jadon and Michael Quinn

Funeral Home Photos #2


A bright beam of sunshine
Brianna Quinn age 15 and best friend and cousin, _______________
Michael Quinn and Jadon Quinn age 13